Learning dutch

Dutch is the official language in Flanders. While many people speak English in West Flanders, learning Dutch is the way to go if you truly want to make yourself at home here and become part of the West Flemish community.

Learning Dutch
Community International House West Flanders

There are plenty of opportunities to learn Dutch. You can take language courses at an adult education centre (CVO), opt for private lessons or online training. And best of all, there are numerous fun ways to practice Dutch while meeting new people at the same time.

Tips & tricks

You want to learn Dutch but you don't know where or how to start? Check our tips & useful sources!

Things to consider

Before you embark on your learning journey, you may want to consider some questions first so you can find the right learning method for you:

  • Why do you want to learn Dutch? What level do you want to achieve?
  • Do you have any knowledge of Dutch already or are you a complete beginner?
  • Do you prefer structured classroom learning or do you like to set your own pace? 
  • Would you rather learn face-to-face or use online platforms or language apps? 
  • How much time can you realistically dedicate to learning Dutch?

Dutch for students

If you plan on following higher education in Flanders, it might come in handy to learn Dutch on the side while you are studying, or even study Dutch as a preparatory year so you can obtain a Dutch degree.

Check out all your options here.

Your starting point: AgII

The Flemish Integration and Civic Integration Agency (AgII) does not organise any language cources itself, but it is the perfect place to start your learning journey. Schedule an appointment with the AgII team, and they will help you find the right training course.

Check with your employer

West Flemish companies are keen to welcome international employers and often offer on the job Dutch training courses. So be sure to check with your employer about these opportunities.

Practice makes perfect (and it's fun!)

Learning Dutch is one thing, practicing Dutch is something else. West Flanders offers plenty of opportunities to practice your language skills while meeting new people or trying out new leisure activities. 

The Flemish website Ik doe mee offers a great overview of practice opportunities.  The cities of Bruges, Kortrijk and Roeselare also provide several practice opportunities. And don't forget to check out our IHWF calender and join one of our community events!